
Showing posts from June, 2022

Faux Pas by Lily Seabrooke: A Faux Pas if there ever was one

I think, instead of waiting for something to kick my ass back into writing shape, I’ll just get entirely too personal about things. It’s my dumb blog nobody reads, I can do what I want. Generally it’s been a rough couple of weeks for my reading; my backlog is almost bottomless(though full of bottoms) to the point that I could unironically read for weeks at a time and not even get halfway through. The trouble is everything sucks, or at least it looks that way through my strained and goofy eyes. Some of the casualties are obvious ones, like repeated badly contrived plot events in Hearts in Motion, my not being onboard with the premise of The Arrangement because it feels like a worse version of At First Glance, The Long Way Home because it opens with the lead bitching about the woman she’s dating, All The Little Moments because I feel like the romance plot was butting up awkwardly against the dead-brother-now-his-kids-are-yours plot, and because I hate normie social interaction with a p

The Price on Her Head by Suzanne Clay: Monster Fucker #3

Okay, this review is easily going to be the most out-there thing that I’ve done on this blog,and honestly it might keep that title for a good while. Agender demon sex was pretty different, but I don’t think anyone is ready for minotaur tiddies. Certainly not these ones. As near as I can gather by reading Goodreads reviews and such, Morning Glory Milking Farm seemingly gained way more attention than most bovine lovin’ romance. The genre existed prior, because “man with cow head” is just unbearably fuckin’ sexy, don’t you think?(?) The boost in attention is probably in equal measure due to “wtf” reads and genuine interest, but it’s unclear if anyone was yet prepared for the things seen in The Price on Her Head, the second Monstrous Desires novella by Suzanne Clay. I sure as fuck wasn’t. Was this inspired at all by the surprise hit of Morning Glory? A need for popular romance to be more fuckin’ gay? Possibly. Minotaurs are also a pretty common mainstay, so to a degree it’s not surprisin

Satsifaction Guaranteed by Karelia Stetz-Waters: Cis Sex Positivity

Time for a serious-face discussion. Not an awesome way to open Pride Month... Promise I’ll do something fun next week. Recently, I finished Satisfaction Guaranteed by Karelia Stetz-Waters, whose title got the Alyssa Reid song stuck in my head. I thought it was good in general; I'd heard that the leads didn't have much chemistry but I tend to disagree. The book feels like a pretty good opposites-attract story. I like that Cade is very professional, formal and stoic, and while she doesn't want or need a drastic change of lifestyle, she could use a little more personal freedom from being an accountant for her parents' art gallery. Selena is personal freedom given flesh, all burlesque outfits and paint-your-vulva(on paper, not the actual vulva(that would have been neat too though)) and doing emotionally invested portraits, generally going with the flow which extends to her relationships. She's happy this way, but having been pushed out of her artwork by the disdainful